Potatoes with onions are tastier than meat!

2. Cooking the Vegetables

Heat a bit of vegetable oil in a frying pan.

Sauté the sliced onions (and bell pepper strips, if using) in the pan until they’re soft and golden.

Season with salt to taste. Remove from heat once cooked.

3. Preparing the Egg and Potato Mixture

Grate the cheese.

Beat the eggs in a bowl with a pinch of salt.

Combine the beaten eggs with the grated potatoes thoroughly.

Mix in the corn starch to bind the ingredients together.

4. Assembling and Cooking the Potato Cake

In a new pan with a bit of heated vegetable oil, spread half of the potato mixture to form the base.

Add a layer of grated cheese and the cooked vegetables, followed by another layer of cheese for that melty middle.

Cover with the remaining potato mixture.

Cook covered on medium heat for about 10 minutes, then flip and continue cooking for another 15 minutes on low heat. Remove the lid towards the end to crisp up the exterior.


This potato and onion cake not only stands as a testament to the versatility of these everyday ingredients but also provides a hearty, comforting dish perfect for any meal of the day. Its layers of creamy cheese, tender vegetables, and crispy potato exterior create a symphony of textures and flavors that truly make it a dish to remember. Whether you’re a vegetarian or simply looking to reduce your meat intake, this recipe proves that vegetables can indeed be the star of the show. So, dive into the kitchen and let the magic of potatoes and onions unfold!




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