The trick to making delicious crispy fries without a drop of oil

Oil-Free Crispy Fries:

Embark on a guilt-free indulgence with these tantalizing crispy fries, where the absence of oil doesn’t compromise on flavor or texture. This revolutionary recipe unveils a culinary secret to achieving that coveted crispiness without a single drop of oil.

Begin with a selection of high-quality potatoes, preferably russet or Yukon Gold, known for their starchy content that contributes to a fluffy interior. After thorough washing and peeling, expertly cut the potatoes into uniform, thin strips, ensuring each piece holds the promise of a satisfying crunch.

The key lies in a meticulous prepping process. Submerge the raw potato strips in cold water, allowing them to soak for at least 30 minutes. This step not only removes excess starch but also ensures a crispy exterior by promoting proper dehydration during the cooking process.

Once drained and patted dry, it’s time to unveil the secret ingredient: cornstarch. Lightly dust each potato strip with a fine coating of cornstarch, creating a thin barrier that transforms into a crispy golden exterior during baking.

Arrange the coated fries on a parchment-lined baking sheet, making sure to leave space between each piece. The oven, preheated to a precise temperature, becomes the stage for the magic to unfold. The dry heat works in harmony with the cornstarch, turning the fries into a symphony of crispiness without the need for oil.

Flip the fries midway through baking, allowing both sides to achieve an even, golden brown hue. The result is a batch of perfectly crispy fries that boast a delightful crunch with every bite. Season them to your liking, whether with a sprinkle of sea salt, a dash of paprika, or a pinch of your favorite herbs.

As you savor these oil-free crispy fries, revel in the revelation that healthy and indulgent can coexist on the same plate. This recipe is a testament to culinary ingenuity, proving that with the right techniques, you can achieve the crispy satisfaction of traditional fries while embracing a lighter, oil-free alternative.

Who doesn’t like a good plate of crispy fries? It definitely remains one of everyone’s favorite dishes. Alone or as an accompaniment to meat, these potato sticks are part of our culinary habits.

Only problem: you have to use a lot of oil to prepare them. What if we told you that it is possible to make them without even frying them? No more greasy french fries and excess fat harmful to health. How else to cook this dish to make it healthier? Now we show you an amazing recipe for french fries without the slightest drop of oil.

The recipe for french fries without oil


5 potatoes
2 egg whites
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon paprika


– Beat the egg whites and mix them with the spices mentioned above (and others that you particularly like). In particular, you can add rosemary or special fried spices that you will find in any supermarket.

– Then put the cut potatoes in a salad bowl and pour the whipped egg whites. Mix everything well with your hands.

– Remove the pan from the oven, line it with baking paper or parchment.

– Place your potato chip sticks on top. For the little trick: space them out so they don’t stick together.

– Put the tray back into the preheated oven at 220°C. After 10 minutes check the cooking. Make sure you flip them so they cook on the other side as well. After another 10-12 minutes, your fries are ready.

NB : another version consists in boiling them very lightly before putting them in the oven. Again, you need to repeat the above process with the egg whites and spices.

That’s it, now you have a perfect method for making fluffy, golden brown fries without having to drain the cooking oil!

Enjoy !

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