What The Bystander Observed On The Lawn Shocked Him

The temperature hit an all time high of around 46 degrees celsius on August 5th. About 13 planes drove above the fire and dropped water to stop it from spreading, but also about 160 soldiers were called into action in order to help with the evacuation efforts.

The photo went immediately viral and at that time it had about 9 thousand user responses, 1,300 comments and more than 6 thousand shares. A large number of people were thankful for the efforts of the firemen.

Manja Knofel says that every fireman is a hero in their own way. Another one agreed that they deserved “rest and praise” for the stunning work they did previously.

The firemen done everything they could, according to Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa. A number of them suffered fatal injuries as a result.

The police hoped that the event from the previous year is not going to happen again this year.

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