Black Couple Adopts Three White Kids, Saying ‘Families Don’t Have to Match’

After several failed attempts to get pregnant, a married couple lost all hope, thinking they were only destined to be uncle and aunt. But an unexpected call one day changed their lives for the better.


Parental joy is precious, but it’s also rare, and many couples spend their lives yearning to be parents. And that’s where fostering and adoption come into play, emerging as a beacon of light and giving people a chance to complete their family.

An adoption is always an option, and non-conventional families are just as beautiful as traditional ones. Sadie and Jarvis Sampson’s story proves that love is the only binding force that holds people together.

Missing The Family Trip

It all began when the Sampsons missed a four-day family cruise trip to Mexico because they were tired from work. Sadie had started a new job two weeks prior, and her husband had begun his new job a few weeks before that.

Before heading back, Sadie realized she had forgotten to bring her younger sister’s life jacket. So, she drove to her house, grabbed her sister’s jacket, and decided to drop it off at her aunt’s place as she was also going on the cruise.

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