All My Bridesmaids Objected at My Wedding except One

I thought that my wedding day would be one of the best days of my life. I was one of those girls who had spent hours dreaming about her wedding.


Even while watching romantic comedies, I would sit with my phone in hand and take notes, imagining my perfect wedding. I would take ideas about the dress, the magical venue, and even the cake that looked too perfect to cut into.

I wanted it all.


“Our wedding is going to be the best one yet,” I said to Tim when we were lying in bed one day.

“I have absolutely no doubt, Amber,” he said, grinning.

I gathered my closest friends from all over the country, ready to ask them to be my bridesmaids. I wasn’t going to do it without them. When Tim and I met in college, they were right there beside us the entire time.

We sat and planned every detail together, and I trusted them completely.


Until they gave me every reason to doubt them.

On the big day, we were standing at the altar, Tim and I having just given our vows. It was so close. We were nearly married. We were almost husband and wife.


“If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace,” the priest said.

I looked around the venue, waiting for someone to break the silence.

“We object!” three of my bridesmaids yelled.



Everyone started gasping and whispering.

The three bridesmaids looked at each other, and then at Sara, my fourth.

Sara blinked back tears and shook her head.

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