REPORT: Adam Schiff Ineligibly Voted, Committed Fraud

U.S. Representative Adam Schiff, the California Democrat running for U.S. Senate, is now facing serious allegations of voter fraud and mortgage fraud. Detailed accusations suggest that Schiff may have been simultaneously registered in both California and Maryland, raising red flags about his legal compliance and potentially criminal behavior regarding his voting practices and mortgage applications.

According to a report by The Gateway Pundit, Schiff falsely claimed a Maryland home as his primary residence on multiple mortgage refinancing applications from 2009 to 2013, despite his political ties and representative duties in California. The act mirrors a pattern found in other high-profile cases, such as the recent conviction of former Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby for similar discrepancies related to residential claims in Maryland.


Schiff’s situation came under scrutiny when compared to another member of Congress, Steve Watkins (R-KS), who faced criminal charges for a comparable issue. Schiff defended his actions by stating that the Maryland home claim was an error and repaid the exempt taxes to the state when questioned in 2009 during a House Ethics investigation. However, Schiff’s eligibility to run for the U.S. Senate could be compromised, as dual residency claims conflict with electoral domicile requirements.


California Elections Code stipulates that a domicile for voting purposes is where an individual’s habitation is fixed, and where they intend to return. By declaring a Maryland address as his primary residence while running for office in California, Schiff may have violated several laws including those against fraudulent voter registration and illegal voting.

Moreover, the size and characteristics of the residence Schiff claims in California—a 650-square-foot condominium—have raised additional doubts about the sincerity of his residency claims, given his family’s needs and lifestyle. The small living space contrasts with the larger, more family-appropriate home he owns in Maryland.Schiff’s alleged continued registration to vote in California while residing primarily in Maryland, a direct contravention of the California Elections Code, could lead to severe legal repercussions. Schiff’s actions could potentially constitute willful registration fraud and ineligible voting—a felony punishable by fines and even imprisonment.

However, in the latest California statewide poll conducted by the Public Policy Institute of California, Schiff holds a significant lead over Steve Garvey, the Republican challenger and former all-star first baseman, in the race for the U.S. Senate seat. Schiff garners 61% support among likely voters compared to Garvey’s 37%. The lead is bolstered by Schiff’s strong backing from independents, who favor him 58% to 38%, and the substantial financial resources at his disposal. Schiff has $4.8 million in cash on hand, considerably more than Garvey’s $1.6 million.The poll also revealed a major ‘enthusiasm gap’ among voters concerning the upcoming presidential election. While President Joe Biden maintains a comfortable lead over former President Donald Trump in California, a substantial number of likely voters, particularly independents, express dissatisfaction with the current presidential candidates. This could significantly affect voter turnout and the outcomes of other critical races across the state, including those for the House of Representatives that could determine party control of Congress.

Further, the polling data indicates that while party loyalists largely support their respective nominees, the Democratic advantage in voter registration numbers in California, a state where a Republican hasn’t won a statewide race since 2006, plays a crucial role in Schiff’s lead.

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