“Greatest Exchange In The History Of Twitter”: Woke Hollywood Celeb Gets Shredded Over Failed Dig At Elon Musk

Joining her fellow woke celebrities and anti-Elon internet posters in going berserk on Elon and ending up in a bad spot because of it was Alyssa Milano, who tried to attack Musk’s Tesla and ended up putting herself in a position to get wrecked by commenters over what she said.

After lefties realized they were being appropriately mocked for their stance on Twitter despite owning Musk-made Teslas, Milano went the extra step to trade her electric vehicle in for a different brand. Of course, she also used Twitter to let everyone know what she did, so she again missed the point,However, the real cause for ridicule was the fact that she traded in her Tesla on the grounds that she couldn’t support white supremacy for a car produced by an actual Nazi-founded company. You can’t make this up. As Benny Johnson said, “[t]he greatest exchange in the history of Twitter just happened.”

As, some critics rightly pointed out that since its founding, Volkswagen has changed its ways. Eighty years is a long time to go back. However, these rules have been deemed meaningless by the woke left’s cancel culture. They will dig up dirt on adults stretching back to their schoolyard days, so if that’s how they want to play, then it’s fair game to attack Milano on these grounds.More recently, Milano patter herself on the back for her “resilience” and loving herself on her birthday, saying, in a ridiculous post on X, “Today is my birthday! However, instead of just saying my age, from now on I’m going to say that I have reached “level 51”. To unlock this level, I have discovered a few cheat codes that have helped me navigate the challenges and triumphs along the way. The first cheat code is RESILIENCE. I have faced my fair share of heartache, anxiety, and depression, but I have managed to overcome them with LOVE. Love for myself, which keeps me evolving and searching, love for others, which keeps me gentle and forgiving, and love for the world around me which keeps me in awe at what has been created here. It is through this love that I have found the strength to keep pushing forward.”

However, she followed that up with some better comments on gratitude and being surrounded by loving friends and family, she said, “Another cheat code that has been instrumental in reaching level 51 is GRATITUDE. I have learned to appreciate the simple joys of life, like the beauty of birds soaring through the sky and the majesty of trees standing tall. I am grateful for the symbiotic relationship between plants and humans, where my breath nourishes them, and their existence provides me with what I need to survive. Gratitude has also allowed me to embrace the gift of curiosity, never ceasing to learn something new. Mostly, I am grateful for the beating of my heart, which carries the blood of my ancestors and connects me to a rich lineage of profound triumph.”

Continuing, she said, “However, the most significant factor in reaching level 51 is the people in my life who love me unconditionally. Their support, care, and acceptance have been the driving force behind my personal growth. Today, my heart overflows with gratitude for their presence. As Edna St. Vincent Millay once wrote, “O World, I can not hold thee close enough.” This quote perfectly encapsulates the overwhelming sense of love and appreciation I feel on this special day.”

Concluding, she wrote, “So, as I celebrate my birthday at level 51, I do so with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. I embrace the challenges and joys that lie ahead, knowing that I have the cheat codes of resilience, gratitude, compassion, empathy, and the love of those around me to guide me through this game of life.”

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