BREAKING: Major Earthquake Rocks New York City, Philadelphia

A powerful earthquake shook most of the East Coast Friday morning, shaking the densely populated New York City metropolitan area according to the AP.

Initial tremors from the quake registered at a magnitude of 4.8 and were centrally located around Lebanon, New Jersey. The New York Fire Department did not report any damage incidents within the first hour though the sound of sirens was heard all over the city.

Those on the ground in midtown Manhattan reported shaking streets and blaring horns as drivers remained motionless during the momentary impact. Residents in Brooklyn told the AP about a booming sound and swaying buildings.

Reports of impacts stretched as far south as Baltimore, out to Philadelphia, and as far north as the greater Boston area.


New York Governor Kathy Hochul said her team was monitoring developments and assessing any impacts from the earthquake.


Others were quick to confirm how the quake affected them.


“I felt it in Queens,” one X user wrote.


Another claimed to have forecasted a quake for this week stretching from Washington, D.C. to the New York border with Canada.




Megyn Kelly reported feeling tremors in Connecticut, while other reports came in about similar responses in Rhode Island and central Massachusetts.


The New York Times reported that several East Coast airports temporarily grounded all flights while they assessed the situation.

The situation even made its way onto MLB TV, where the host asked, “Seriously, are we having an earthquake?” as the camera shook.

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