Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson will Be Right and Left Wings of Roseanne in Launching Non-Woke Production Studio

In a surprising turn of events, Hollywood icons Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson have announced their collaboration with controversial figure Roseanne Barr to establish a non-woke production studio. The trio, known for their outspoken views, aims to shake up the entertainment industry by offering a platform for projects that defy political correctness.Wahlberg, famous for his tough-guy roles, stated, “It’s time to bring back common sense to filmmaking. We’re tired of tiptoeing around sensitive topics. With Roseanne’s fearless approach and Mel’s unapologetic attitude, we’re going to make movies that speak to real people.”Gibson, known for his past controversies, added, “This studio will be a beacon of free speech in an industry overrun by cancel culture. We won’t bow down to the woke mob dictating what we can and cannot say.”Barr, whose career was marred by a high-profile controversy, expressed her excitement, saying, “I’m thrilled to be partnering with Mark and Mel. Together, we’ll push the boundaries and bring back entertainment that’s not afraid to offend.”While the announcement has stirred up both excitement and criticism, with many questioning the motives behind the venture, Wahlberg, Gibson, and Barr remain undeterred. With plans to start production on their first projects soon, the trio is determined to make a statement and challenge the status quo in Hollywood. Whether their vision will resonate with audiences or further ignite controversy remains to be seen.

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