NEW: Footage released of Colorado police confronting teenager Brian Cohee who admitted to having a severed head in his house

NEW: Footage released of Colorado police confronting then-teenager Brian Cohee who admitted to having a severed head in his house.

Cohee’s mother had called the police after finding a severed head in her son’s closet.

That wasn’t all she found. Cohee’s mother found bags containing more body parts belonging to 69-year-old homeless man Warren Barnes.

When Cohee was confronted by police, he bluntly admitted to the murder.

“Yeah, I believe so, a human head and hands. From that fella that went missing. I murdered him with a knife,” he said.

“I always wondered what murder would feel like.”

Cohee’s mom found the head which was covered in maggots and placed it in the sink.

The murderer said he was hunting for a homeless person in his car. When he saw Barnes, he grabbed a knife and stabbed him in the neck.

“He was panicking at first in, he was saying what are you doing, what are you doing why, why, and I just kept on stabbing his neck.”

Cohee even laughed during the investigation while remembering how he dismembered Barnes’ body.

Cohee was sentenced to life in prison.

Click the link to see the footage on X(Twitter)

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