Ed Sheeran breaks Garth Brooks’ Ford Field concert attendance record

Breaking News: Ed Sheeran’s Ginger Fury Unleashes Mayhem at Ford FieldIn a shocking turn of events, Ed Sheeran, the lovable crooner with a knack for looping melodies, has shattered Garth Brooks’ Ford Field concert attendance record. Brooks, known for his larger-than-life performances, has been dethroned by Sheeran’s army of devoted fans, affectionately known as the “Sheerios.”Witnesses describe scenes of chaos as hordes of fans clad in plaid and wielding acoustic guitars stormed the stadium, determined to witness Sheeran’s ginger locks in person. Some even camped out for days, surviving on a diet of sheer determination and ginger-themed snacks.Local authorities were caught off guard by the sheer magnitude of Sheeran’s fanbase, struggling to maintain order amidst the sea of red-haired enthusiasts. One officer was overheard muttering, “I thought boy bands were bad, but this is a whole new level of hysteria.”In a gesture of goodwill, Garth Brooks graciously passed the torch to Sheeran, stating, “I always knew those fiery locks packed a punch, but I never imagined they’d ignite a revolution at Ford Field.”Meanwhile, Sheeran himself remained modest in victory, thanking his fans for their unwavering support and promising to serenade them with even more heartwarming tunes in the future.With Sheeran’s reign of ginger-fueled euphoria now underway, one thing’s for certain: the music world will never be the same again.

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