Found it in my in-laws drawer where they had butter dishes etc What’s this?? Fork there for scale..

Found it in my in-laws drawer where they had butter dishes etc What’s this?? Fork there for scale..

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ANSWERS: it’s a bone for a glass dog. they were bred in the early 19th century; but short life span made it impossible to keep them viable. A serving knife rest, so your lovely lace tablecloth will not be stained. Congrats on keeping the comments clean everyone! Baby dumbbell. No…

This is a rare miracle in history. The little boy is only 1 year old and sings so well on stage that the jury is moved to tears. Watch video in comments below

This is a rare miracle in history. The little boy is only 1 year old and sings so well on stage that the jury is moved to tears. Watch video in comments below

In a poignant and unforgettable moment, a young prodigy graced the stage, igniting an outpouring of raw emotion that swept through the entire auditorium, leaving even the renowned judge Simon Cowell visibly moved. The boy’s rendition of the song was nothing short of mesmerizing, casting a spell of profound connection over the audience. With unwavering…

Found in a home. First floor, located in a room off a kitchen. About 6 feet off the ground and the crescent shape is open into the wall. What is it?

Found in a home. First floor, located in a room off a kitchen. About 6 feet off the ground and the crescent shape is open into the wall. What is it?

A questioner said: Found in a home. First floor, located in a room off a kitchen. About 6 feet off the ground and the crescent shape is open into the wall.           More from the owner: We were looking around the house to find all the outlets and found this in a…

Entitled Rich Guy Threw My Family’s Stuff off the Public Pool Sunbeds – My 4-Year-Old Son Taught Him a Huge Life Lesson

Entitled Rich Guy Threw My Family’s Stuff off the Public Pool Sunbeds – My 4-Year-Old Son Taught Him a Huge Life Lesson

When a stranger disrespected my family at the local pool, I was ready to protect those I loved by all means! But, my lastborn son found a way to teach the stranger an important lesson. This led the man to change his ways and apologize. Read on to find out how! Here’s the tale of…

19 Tweets That Can Make Even the Most Cold-Hearted People Shed a Tear

19 Tweets That Can Make Even the Most Cold-Hearted People Shed a Tear

If you feel that it’s only Hollywood producers and scriptwriters who can come up with interesting plots that can make viewers around the world admire them and shed tears over them, you are wrong. When you realize that the following stories they tell are real, the degree of emotionality increases a hundredfold. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. © Agha_themoiz / Twitter…